Services We Offer

When you contact a Travel Agent at Sunsational Vacations, we will design the type of trip you envision.

We're not an impersonal website. Our travel agents are dedicated to building relationships with our clients by understanding their travel needs and expectations. We'll guide you to the right destination and resort if you're not sure where you want to go. We'll discuss your hotel (or cruise) preferences, budget, activity level, and what's most important to you about this trip. We'll arrange for your hotel or cruise transfers upon arrival at your destination.

Should a problem arise while you are traveling, we are a quick phone call, text, or email away.  

We also offer flexible payment plans.

Very often, you only need to make the required deposit and the final payment is usually not due until about 50 days before departure. Many of our clients like to use the layaway option for their trips which allows them to make small monthly payments until their trip is paid off. This is a great way to make your much-needed vacation more affordable.

We pride ourselves on customer satisfaction and integrity; repeat business and referrals are crucial to our service-oriented industry. Please read our client testimonials.

We're very quick to respond to your phone calls and emails and look forward to helping you create vacation memories that will last a lifetime. Please contact us today to discuss the possibilities!


Why Should I Book With a Travel Agent?

You may be wondering, "Why should I book with a travel agent when I can book everything online?" We get that question a lot, and here are just some of the reasons why it makes sense to book your trip with a professional travel agent rather than an online discount site.

When you "DIY" anything in life, you take on risks. Sometimes it's a calculated risk because the consequences (if anything goes wrong) are minimal.

Other times, the risk can be high - medical procedures, home renovations, cutting your own hair, etc.

Planning travel, especially out of the country, is something that should also be left to qualified and professional experts.

Look at some of the most frequent problems that DIY travel planners have experienced:

  • Missed flights
  • Awful hotel rooms that don't match the brochure-like images
  • Travel insurance that doesn't work when you need it
  • Waiting on hold for days at a time with airlines, cruise lines, hotels, and tour companies when you have a question or need help
  • Wasted time trying to get from A-B
  • Under-planning
  • Over-planning
  • Poor document preparation
  • Denied entry and re-entry because of an oversight
  • Finding out activities and sites are closed or limited when you arrive
  • Booking a flight to the wrong airport
  • Not having the proper entry forms completed for your destination

When you hand over something that is complex, stressful, and has the potential to cost you money and could go terribly wrong... you feel a relief and a weight lifted off of your shoulders. Let us help you with our expertise.

Once you've used our services, you'll never want to book another vacation on your own!

The Benefits of Handing Over the Planning

  • You won't lose many hours staring at a screen with dozens of tabs open trying to figure out the best options.
  • You won't go around in "researching circles" so many times that you miss the best opportunities.
  • Most likely you are taking a vacation to disconnect and unwind - you'll no longer start that off with months of stressful planning.
  • You'll never wonder what experiences or opportunities you didn't know about that you might have missed.
  • You won't waste money.
  • You won't waste time.
  • Your entire experience will be professionally planned and documented.

What You Can Expect Working With a Professional Travel Agent

  • Expert Guidance - Travel Agents are trained experts and know how to sort through the myriad of travel information available. We spend all day, every day, researching the best possible vacation options for our clients. We have more knowledge than you can garner from an online search and we stay up-to-date on the latest travel news.
  • Time Savings - Travel agents have a world of travel information at their fingertips, saving you countless hours of online searching. We have the experience of knowing which resorts are right for you based on your travel preferences.  We have the tools to sort through the hundreds of choices to pick the resort that is right for you, based on your wants and needs.
  • Convenience - Travel agents are a "one-stop shop". We can handle every aspect of your vacation, from airline tickets to lodging, ground transportation, activities, tours and more.
  • Value - Travel agents have access to exclusive deals and will find the best products for the best value - that fit YOUR unique vacation needs.
  • Reduce the Stress of planning a vacation, and lessen the risk that something will be forgotten or that things will go wrong.  Know that you are fully prepared for your trip should any problems arise.
  • Professional Advice - Your travel agent will be able to answer your questions and concerns and get you the information you need by providing timely, insightful, professional guidance along the way.
  • Unbiased Recommendations - Travel agents work for their clients, not for a travel supplier. Let us do the work for you - we'll filter your options and provide only the recommendations that make the most sense for you.
  • Best Price Guarantee - If we present you with a quote and you find a lower price online before booking, we ask that you give us the opportunity to price match it for you. As long as all trip components match, we are very often able to match the price.
  • Client Advocate - If you experience a problem while traveling, we act on your behalf as your personal travel advocate.  We work with the best suppliers in the industry so should any problems arise, you will have the support you need to get resolution.  You will also be given direct access to your travel agent's emergency phone line, email, or WhatsApp - there's no need to speak to a different agent every time you call! Because we are mobile-based, we don't keep "9 to 5" office hours. This means we're available to you more often than a typical storefront travel agency is, and you don't have to wait hours on hold trying to reach someone in an emergency.

Why We Charge Fees

Professional travel agents like myself helped millions of travelers around the world at the start of the pandemic. I helped get travelers home, and I spent countless hours on hold for each of my clients to cancel and change their upcoming travel with airlines, hotels, cruise lines, and tour operators, issued refunds, helped file insurance claims, etc. Unfortunately, much of this time was spent without any compensation, despite much time, effort, planning and booking that was involved to design and curate these itineraries. This is because most travel agents rely on commissions which are only received after travel has been completed.

After the pandemic, there has been a surge in demand for travel, which means an increased workload. My fees help ensure that I am working with clients who value my time and expertise, and they support the sustainability of my business and the travel industry. None of us enjoy working for free, and these fees make sure that my services remain viable.

Traveling in today's world is not as carefree as it used to be. Now more than ever, it is essential to work with an expert travel agent when planning your vacations. With ever-changing and evolving global travel protocols, having a knowledgeable and experienced professional by your side will ensure that you are prepared and confident when your departure day arrives. I know you have options for booking your trip, so I am very grateful for your business and do not take it lightly. It truly means a lot to me, and I look forward to planning your next vacation.

It's time to go from overworked and overwhelmed to suitcase-packed and flight mode ready!

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